Remote navigation of a robotic car at the Folklore Historic Museum of Larisa
During May of 2022 the iAMA team performed evaluation tests of the iAMA navigation systems on patients, at the ANIMUS rehabilitation center in Larisa. During these tests, a patient suffering from extended paralysis navigated remotely the robotic car, with great...
iAMA at the 13th Scientific two-day event of FORTH
The 13th Scientific two-day event of FORTH was successfully held on July 15-17, 2022, at the Cultural Conference Center of Heraklion, Crete. The iAMA team was there throughout the two-day event to present the brain-computer interface for wheelchair navigation....
Patent filing for iAMA
We have completed the filing of a patent at the Hellenic Industrial Property Organization (ΟΒΙ) for an integrated brain-computer interface for wheelchair navigation and, additionally, for recognition of objects in the environment of the user, with the goal of further...
iAMA system evaluation at ANIMUS
The team from the Foundation for Research and Technology (FORTH), in collaboration with the team from WHEEL, both responsible for the development of the iAMA navigation applications, visited the ANIMUS rehabilitation center, in Larisa. The goal of this visit was to...
iAMA at ERCIM News
The applications we developed during the project iAMA were presented in July of 2022 at the digital magazine ERCIM News, issue 130, with special theme 'Assistive Technologies for a More Accessible and Inclusive Society'. The paper is the following: C. Farmaki, M....
iAMA at 2022 IST conference
The following paper was presented at IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems & Techniques (IST), which was held virtually on 21-23 July 2022: C. Farmaki, N. Zacharioudakis, M. Pediaditis, M. Krana and V. Sakkalis, "Application of dry EEG electrodes on...
iAMA at 2022 EMBC conference
The 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering In Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) was held in Glasgow, United Kingdom, on 11-15 July, 2022.The following paper was presented, as a poster: C. Farmaki, N. Zacharioudakis, M. Pediaditis, M....
iAMA in the 10th Panhellenic Conference of Social Care Units “Epi Arogi”
The iAMA project participated in the 10th Panhellenic Conference of Social Care Units "Epi Arogi" on 18 and 19 October 2021 at the Cultural Conference Center of Heraklion. Organizers: Social Welfare Center - Region of Crete.
Nea Kriti: The contribution of the iAMA project
A Nea Kriti newspaper article describes the goals of the iAMA project and the application for the navigation of a robotic car and points out the importance of the project's results to patients suffering from extensive paralysis. The article was posted on November 22,...
iAMA at the 2021 BIBE conference
The following paper was presented at the 19th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, which was held in Athens, Greece, on 28-30 October, 2019: C. Farmaki, M. Krana, M. Pediaditis, EG. Spanakis, V. Sakkalis, «Single-channel SSVEP-based BCI...
Project funded by
Total budget: | 573.440,72 € |
Public expenditure: | 453.740,59 € |